I am curious about life, people, nature, purpose, love, sexuality, spiritual connection, soul wisdom, expansion, letting go, health, exploring aliveness, fullness and human nature.




I coach provocatively, soulfully and am intuitively gifted to be able to spot new opportunities for you.

I am Katerina, your mentor.

In 2014 my body screamed at me, experiencing a chronic pain, which has forced me to change my life and eventually it led me to this work:

I became a group facilitator, coach, energy & bodyworker in the fields of Consciousness, Tantra and Somatic Healing.

I see my my work as alchemy of lineage traditions, shamanism, yoga, meditation, tantra, psychology, and breathwork.

I have been facilitating transformational retreats, workshops, leadership and team building courses. I am also a one-to-one coach, offering embodied, somatic, spiritual, breathwork, yoga based sessions on line and in person.

What I have been discovering, learning and experiencing in my life in the last ten years has changed every aspect of my being and how I choose to live my life. I long to continue to deepen my own experience and to share what I have learned with others.

Being trained as an economist and expert at international relations, combined with two decades of policy making, management and teaching at universities I came to these new experiences with scepticism at first. I used to be guided mainly by my mind, perceiving my body as flash, following my beliefs that hard work pays back, and I am here to improve, learn and reach new goals that my mind would fix.

Initially, I began to explore meditation, yoga, tantra, breathwork, shamanism and mindfulness as tools for myself to heal my pain. Today these tools support and expand my spirituality, deepen my relating with my children, partner, family, finding authentic personal power allow me to live my life fully.

If you feel called to explore my offerings, I would love to meet you.

I am forever grateful to have studied and trained with many powerful teachers around the world. They are many and include Virginia Blanes, Jean Pierre Garnier Malet, Elaine Young, Rex Rafiq, Rafaello Manacorda, Wilna Eenkhoorn and Elena Bonastre.

With love, Katerina 💚

Life is a wild, beautiful journey—practicing love daily, stumbling gently, and embracing each unpredictable moment makes it a thrilling adventure.

Love, the most powerful medicine.

Life, the extraordinary symphony of joy, pain, and undulating sensations, is an exquisite tapestry of emotions waiting to be experienced. As I embark on a profound journey into the depths of my heart, I rediscover the art of living from a sacred space called love. It's a dance of ease, effortlessly woven into the fabric of my daily practice. Each day, I am a witness to my own transformation, immersing myself in the vibrant tapestry of life with a harmonious union of heart, mind, and body. The rhythm of existence becomes a vibrant melody, and I navigate its twists and turns with a graceful fusion of self-awareness. There are moments when I stumble, and in those instances, I embrace the art of gentleness, extending the same compassion to myself that I offer to the world. Every sunrise unveils a new chapter, a fresh odyssey with unexpected encounters, making life an exhilarating adventure when I surrender to its unstoppable flow coursing through every fiber of my being.

“She radiates and leads you to new heights!”


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